Sunday 28th October 2018 @ 2pm - Laxfield Bowls Club, The Playing Field, Noyes Avenue, Laxfield, Suffolk IP13 8EB

All members are warmly invited to attend our AGM which will take place this year on Sunday 28th October 2018 at Laxfield Bowls Club, The Playing Field, Noyes Avenue, Laxfield, Suffolk IP13 8EB at 2pm.

Any member who requires a resolution to be included in the AGM or wishes to stand for election must make a submission to the Club Secretary no later than 14 days (14th October) prior to the meeting.

Please find attached the Notice of AGM as well as Committee and Officer nomination forms, agenda and proposed rule changes.

Notice of AGM 2018

NSHPRFTC Proposal Form for Election

AGM Agenda 2018

Proposed Club rule changes 2018


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